Miniature Texas Longhorn bull
Miniature Texas Longhorn bull


Current herd sire at HHR Miniature Texas longhorns

LRML ROSES "PARKER" PROMO is the herd sire of all the current calves on these pages. Parker was born in 2020 and is standing at 47" at the hip. His color is Mahogany ( almost black with a dun stripe down his back) He delivers a great top line and depth of body. $1500.00

Miniature longhorn bull in pasture
Miniature longhorn bull in pasture
Miniature TX Long Horn Bull at HHR Miniature TX longhorns
Miniature TX Long Horn Bull at HHR Miniature TX longhorns

(Click Photo for Full Screen)

(Click Photo for Full Screen)


Sons of Parker

Small Framed Texas Longhorn cow
Small Framed Texas Longhorn cow
Miniature longhorn Jr. Bull
Miniature longhorn Jr. Bull


Discover the four sons of Parker and their Dams.

HHR CINNAMON T. CRUNCH, Sired by Parker and Dam is 2M Cinnamon. Crunch was born 01/07/24. This bull calf has great confirmation and balance. As his horns grow I am projecting they will be a flat horn set. Crunch will be steered in March of 2025 and offered as a Show Steer Prospect. $1500.00

Texas Longhorn with miniature bull calf
Texas Longhorn with miniature bull calf
Miniature Longhorn bull calf
Miniature Longhorn bull calf

HHR DAZZLED DALLAS, Sired by Parker and Dam is 2M Dazzler Her. Dallas was born on 01/04/24. This bull has the best personality and loves attention. Dallas will be steered in March of 2025 and offered as a steer. $1000.00


Show winning Miniature longhorn cow
Show winning Miniature longhorn cow
Miniature longhorn bull calf
Miniature longhorn bull calf

“NEAPOLITAN”,Sired By Parker and Dam is HHR Lady Cinnabar. Neapolitan was born on 06/25/2024. This bull calf has the most unique color pattern I have ever seen on a Longhorn. He has an inquisitive personality. He will be steered in June of 2025 and offered as a steer. He is Unregistered at this time. You can name him, use your brand and register him. $1000.00


Miniature Longhorn cow and calf
Miniature Longhorn cow and calf
Miniature Longhorn Bull calf
Miniature Longhorn Bull calf

“BULL”, Sired by Parker and Dam is 2m Carolina’s Alex. Bull was born on 09/10/24. This bull calf is showing a lot of promise in balance, confirmation and size. This Bull calf will be offered as a bull prospect.He is Unregistered at this time. You can name him, use your brand and register him. $1500.00


Bulls For Sale

Contact for inquiries about bulls available.